
Small Egyptian Predynastic pottery jar Predynastic Period, Naqada II, circa 3600-3200 BC height: 10.4 cm

Wood lid of a germinating Osiris Bed, New Kingdom, 18th Dynasty, 1319-1292 BC. length: 65 cm

Egyptian gneiss squat jar, Old Kingdom, 4th Dynasty, 2573-2454 BC, Diameter: 15.2 cm

Egyptian alabaster cylinder jar Early Dynastic Period, 1st Dynasty, 2972-2793 BC Height: 34.5 cm, Diameter of rim: 11 cm

Egyptian bronze statuette of Khonsu, Late Dynastic Period, 25th-31st Dynasty, 715-332 BC, Height: 15.5 cm

Bronze figure of the Apis Bull, Late Dynastic Period, 26th/30th Dynasty, 664-342 BC, Height without tenon 11 cm

The Abemayor Head: Egyptian basalt head of a Pharaoh Middle Kingdom, c. 12th-13th Dynasty, 1850 -1650 BC Height: 25.5 cm

Egyptian Plaque of a goddess Third Intermediate Period, 25th Dynasty, circa 732 - 664 BC Height: 9.7 cm

Egyptian bronze sistrum Late Dynastic Period, 26th Dynasty, c. 664 - 525 BC Height: 39.5 cm

Egyptian faience ushabti for Hor-Kheby Third Intermediate Period, 21st Dynasty, 1069-945 BC Height: 13 cm

Egyptian faience tile with cartouche of Pharaoh Seti II New Kingdom, 19th Dynasty. Reign of Seti II, 1200-1194 BC Dimensions: 10 cm x 4.5 cm

Egyptian bronze statuette of Ptah Late Dynastic Period, 25th-26th Dynasty, 715-525 BC Height: 11.2 cm

The Gillet Nobleman Middle Kingdom, 12th Dynasty, circa 1919-1878 BC Height: 32.3 cm (including base)

Egyptian alabaster headrest 4th Dynasty, Old Kingdom, circa 2400 BC Height: 22.1 cm; Width of base: 18.7 cm

Diorite piriform vessel Early Dynastic Period, 3100 -2700 BC Height: 14 cm

Faience Ushabti of Horudja Late Period, Dynasty 30, c 380 BC Height: 21.9 cm; Width: 6.8 cm

Egyptian flint knife Predynastic - Early Dynastic Period, Naqada III - 1st Dynasty, c. 3200- 2770 BC Length: 21 cm

Egyptian alabaster offering table Old Kingdom, 5th-6th Dynasty, 2454-2140 BC Diameter: 34 cm, Height: 12 cm

Amulet of a bust of Isis Late Dynastic Period, 26th Dynasty, 664-525 BC Height: 6 cm

Egyptian gilt-wood composite deity of Tauret with lion's head Late Dynastic Period, Late Period, circa 30th dynasty, 380-343 BC Height: 11.3 cm

Egyptian sizeable wood figure of Anubis Third Intermediate Period, 22nd-23rd dynasty, c 850 BC max. 24.5 cm; length 49.8 cm

Egyptian painted limestone relief of the head of a dignitary Late Dynastic Period, Early 26th Dynasty, 664-610 BC Height: 21.6 cm

Turquoise faience amulet of Thoth as a baboon Late Dynastic Period, circa 664-332 BC Height: 4.2 cm

Egyptian banded alabaster jar Late Dynastic Period, 26th-30th Dynasty, 664-343 BC Height: 21.6 cm

Egyptian Bronze Fish Late Dynastic-Ptolemaic Period, 664 - 30 BC Height: 15 cm; Length: 26.6 cm

Gilded wood Ureaus inlaid with glass New Kingdom, circa 1200 BC Height: 15.5 cm; Width: 4.7 cm

Egyptian fragmentary bronze of the ram Khnum Third Intermediate Period 1077-664 BC Height: 9.5 cm

Egyptian Bronze crouching cat Late Dynastic Period, 26th - 31st Dynasty, 664-332 BC Length: 6 cm; height: 4.5 cm

Fragmentary limestone pair statue of a man and a woman New Kingdom, early 18th dynasty, circa 1550-1351 BC height: 14.9 cm; width: 15 cm

Egyptian faience openwork bi-chrome wedjat eye, the Eye of Horus Late Dynastic Period, circa 600 BC Height: 3.7 cm; width: 4.2 cm