Classical World

Roman head of a bearded man, North African, 3rd century AD, Height: 32.8 cm

Roman marble portrait relief of the young Antinous, circa. 130-150 AD, Width: 19.7 cm

Fragment of Roman glass mosaic depicting leopard Roman, 100 BC-100 AD Height: 3cm; width: 3cm

Alabaster alabastron, Greek, Late 5th century BC, Height: 36.5 cm

Roman marble torso of Silenus circa 1st century AD Height: 56 cm

Rock crystal cicada Roman, 1st century AD Length: 4.5 cm

Marble Hekate triformis Roman, 1st century AD Height: 26.3 cm; Width: 9.3 cm

Fragment of a female Cycladic idol Cycladic, 3200-2300 BC height: 19 cm

Marble portrait head of a young boy Roman, Early 3rd AD Height: 18.5 cm

Roman Marble Endymion Sarcophagus Fragment mid 2nd/3rd century AD length: 46 cm; width: 23 cm (widest point)

Bronze statuette of a seated comic actor Late Roman, circa 2nd-3rd century AD height: 11 cm

Glass inlay with a duck Roman , Circa 4th - 1st century BC Height: 5.9 cm; width: 7.7 cm; depth: 3.8 cm (overall)

Gnostic bronze double-headed deity with Greek inscription Romano-Egyptian, 3rd century BC Height: 27 cm

Greek marble lion's foot from a throne Hellenistic, circa 3rd-2nd century BC Height: 19 cm

Silver surgical tools Roman, circa 100-300 AD Lengths: 12-17 cm

Black glazed calyx krater Lucanian, 4th century BC Height: 31.5 cm

Bronze statuette of the goddess Artemis Bendis Hellenistic, 1st century BC-1st century AD Height: 16.1 cm

Apulian red-figured volute krater, attributed to the painter of Copenhagen 4223 Magna-Graecia, c. 330-320 BC Height: 73.5 cm

Marble portrait head of a philosopher Late Hellenistic, c. 1st century BC Height: 11 cm

Terracotta votive profile head of a young man Etruscan, circa 4th century BC Height: 30.5 cm